They had arrived in what is now the northeastern united states a year earlier 在前一年,他们到达了现在美国的东北部。
I grew up in connecticut , a small state in the northeastern united states , tucked between boston and new york 我在康乃迪克州一个位于美国东北的小州,在波士顿与纽约之间长大。
Fellow practitioners from the northeastern united states celebrated the coming of the lunar new year with a two - day retreat on february 9 and 10 , 2002 at the new jersey center 为了庆祝农历新年到来,美国东北部各州同修于2月9日至10日在纽泽西道场举行新春禅二及庆祝活动。
To celebrate ching hai day , about a hundred seventy fellow initiates from the northeastern united states and canada attend a two - day retreat at the new jersey center , their hearts filled with masters blessings , peace and happiness 来自美国东北部及加拿大的同修约170位聚纽泽西道场,叁加精进禅二及庆祝清海日活动,现场充满师父加持,同修们在祥和愉悦的气氛中,享受天堂般的喜悦。
Part of the appalachian mountains , the whites , as they ' re called locally , are home to 6 , 300 - foot ( 1 , 916 - meter ) mount washington , tallest mountain in northeastern united states and record - holder for the fastest winds on earth & mdash231 miles an hour ( 372 kilometers an hour ) 当地人叫其白山,它是阿巴拉契亚山脉的一部分,也是高6300英尺( 1916米)美国北部最高峰华盛顿山的发源地,同时此地也是世界最快风速纪录保持者所在地,达到每小时231英里( 372千米/小时) 。
The Northeastern United States, or simply the Northeast, is a region of the United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau.